Amazon AppStream 2.0

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Applications on Any Computer - Anytime, Anywhere

  • High-end applications for any device including Chromebooks and older desktops.
  • Equitable access to all students regardless of their home computer or bandwidth.
  • Quickly provisioned on a fully managed cloud infrastructure.
  • Per-student pricing available with unlimited usage.
  • Integrated with school districts’ Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive for integrated storage
  • Single Sign-in with Active Directory, Google, Clever, or ClassLink
  • Optionally, managed entirely by Tech Reformers

Millions of Chromebooks ship annually, but they don't provide equitable access to innovation.

Leverage Secure, reliable, and scalable access to applications and non-persistent desktops from any location. Support student learning environments and enable online learning with Chromebooks or other lightweight systems even over poor network conditions with easy, reliable access to applications and resources.

Students access applications for CTE, high-end graphics, video, and computer science. Tech Reformers’ will host any application selected by the district and make it available to students over a streaming connection. Examples include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Autodesk, Blender, Project Lead the Way, and Visual Studio. Finally, all Windows applications are available on a Chromebook.

Integrated and, optionally, manages AppStream 2.0 provides the full virtual environment to stream applications. Therefore, district staff does not need to build infrastructure or manage resources. Tech Reformers will integrate with Active Directory or Google for authentication and the schools’ Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive for integrated storage.

Excellent Performance and Support with auto-scaling so that enough application resources are available to your students. Applications can be immediately available with no boot-up time. Help desk support is available via email and chat.

We offer predictable pricing on a per-student basis with unlimited use for students. So, districts do not need to worry about time online or bandwidth costs.


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Qualification as school, university, or public institution for reduced AppStream 2.0 user fees

All AppStream 2.0 customers are charged a monthly user fee for every user that streams applications. This monthly user fee is for Microsoft’s RDS SAL user licensing fee for Windows Server. Qualified schools, universities, and public institutions can receive reduced Microsoft’s RDS SAL pricing for qualified educational end users. To learn more about this program, review the AppStream 2.0 FAQ.

The use of Microsoft software is subject to Microsoft’s terms. You are responsible for complying with Microsoft licensing. If you have questions about your licensing or rights to Microsoft software, please consult your legal team, Microsoft, or your Microsoft reseller. You agree that we may provide the information to Microsoft in order to apply educational pricing to your Amazon AppStream 2.0 usage.

To sign up, please provide AWS the following information. AWS will respond to you within 5 days regarding your qualification status and change to the reduced user fees pricing.

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